Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

How Blenders Work

 Blenders were invented in the early 1900s to help meet the demand for malted milk drinks,which phyicians prescribed to help build strength.
Blenders quickly made their way into soda fountains as a method for whipping up ice cream concoctions. However, it wasn't until 1937 that the blender found the popularity it has today as an indispensable vechile for mixing up cocktails.

      Blenders are versatile appliances that have a variety of uses in the home, business and labolatory. The main function in home and bar use is geared toward crushing ice. Blenders also liquefy and emulsify softer food incredients, such as fruit and yogurt, which result in a thick consistency and smooth texture. You can find commercial blenders in plastics manufacturing plants, where they blend so various powders and dry materials. Blenders also have a place in the lab for research in industries such microbiology, where researchers use it to extract bacteria from samples.

Thanks for your Attention, and see you next time :D

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